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Cozy Changing Seasons Checklist

Karrie Gavin November 20, 2022

We wish you a warm and happy Thanksgiving and a fantastic start to the holiday season. We are incredibly grateful to all of you, our clients friends, and community, always, but especially at this time of year! 
We also know that home is more precious than ever now when you spend more time indoors and invite friends and family into your home to gather. Here are some suggestions on how to keep your home in great shape and feeling warm and cozy throughout the season!

First, a checklist for the practical part of making your home a refuge from chilly winter winds.

Be sure to clear leaves from gutters to avoid ice dams which can cause leaks into your home. 
Trimming tree limbs close to the home is also important to avoid them falling onto the roof with the weight of heavy snow. 
It’s also important to check and replace smoke detector and CO2 batteries. 
Reverse ceiling fans and operate at low speed in a clockwise direction, to force warm air down and reduce your energy use and lower your bills.
Keep in windows well insulated with insulation kits can also help save money on heating bills and keep you warm this winter.
We all know having a warm and cozy home is not just about the temperature. It's about creating a place where you can return after a long day. But what makes a home feel cozy? "Hygge" is a Danish word that in essence means cozy or comfortable and is all about feeling good in your home. Pronounced “HOO-guh,” it is a softer, cozier counterpart to feng shui. Danes believe that hygge is the key to happiness and they strive to make their homes as cozy as possible during winter. And if anyone is an expert on getting through long winter, it is them! Here are a few tips for taking a few pages out of the hygge book and bringing more of this vibe into your home this winter!

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